Samten Tse Retreat Centre
Samten Tse Retreat Centre was established by Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche in the year 1993 as a branch of Mindrolling for nuns and retreatants from all over the world. Samten Tse is situated in Mussoorie in the Shivalik hills of the Himalayas and is headed by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche.
About 50 nuns from India, Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal study and practice the Dharma at Samten Tse. Nuns are taught recitation calligraphy, grammar, philosophy, rituals, playing ritual instruments and English. Nuns also undertake retreats of various lengths. Practitioners from Europe Canada and the United States also visit Samten Tse in order to study the Dharma and do intensive retreats.

Nuns of Samten Tse in their shrine room during prayers
The Retreat Centre is now in the third and final phase of construction which is housing for western women retreatants and a temple. Rinpoche’s efforts at Samten Tse are directed towards fulfilling her vision of providing a place of study and retreat for both nuns and lay practitioners as well as establishing a spiritual community of both monastics and lay practitioners with students from both East and West living together.
Samten Tse is administered by its executive board and is registered as the Samten Tse Charitable Society.
For inquiries please contact:
Samten Tse Retreat Centre
Fairlawn Estate Palace
P.O. Jharipani 248152
Mussoorie, Uttaranchal
Tel: 91-135-631267
Fax: 91-135-631167
Email: samtentseretreat@gmail.com